Top restaurants in Yazd consist of high-quality cuisine with remarkable and outstanding structural design and professional and nice staff that make it a pleasant memory in your mind in Iran tourism and also a peaceful and mysterious place that with the help of the Iran Travel Guide Center will make your trip a lovely and priceless kind of trip. So, be with us to dive into the top restaurants of Yazd and enjoy the cool atmosphere of the ancient city of Yazd.
One of the most important elements in top restaurants of Yazd is the traditional cuisine with the historical structural design of the top restaurants in Yazd we are sure will give you one hundred percent joy of a good quality meal in a cozy and peaceful place, in a clean and cool atmosphere with good smells surrounding you.
Yazd Travel Guide
Yazd city was the first city in Iran nominated for registration as a World Heritage Site. Yazd is the first adobe city on the UNESCO World Heritage Site in the world and also the second historical city after Venice in Italy.
So, if you are planning to visit this great city you are a smart and intelligent person but let us tell you that you will be surprised by walking through the history and watching the respect of people in Yazd travel.
Yazd city is the center of Zoroastrian culture and traditional ceremonies taken in this city by Zoroastrian people. In Yazd city, you will also find lots of synagogues and mosques, and Jews and Muslims that have lived with Zoroastrians in peace and respect for thousands of years.
The City of Yazd is also known as the city of wind catchers. Since Yazd is located in the center of the Iranian plateau in a hot climate area, people used to take advantage of wind catchers as a kind of ventilator to cool the interior spaces you will take this sort of ventilator in your travel and visit top restaurants in Yazd.
One of the angles of the tourism triangle of Iran is the ancient city of Yazd. It’s because this city has the most important centers of the Zoroastrian religion, called Chak Chak, and also is the only city in Iran registered as a World Heritage Site.
In Yazd travel, you will visit the Amir Chakhmagh square which is the symbol of the architecture of Yazd and you will taste the ice cream with Persian saffron on it.
One of the must-sees of Yazd travel is the fire temple that they are protecting the holy fire based on Zoroastrian traditions.
If you have access to the rooftop you will enjoy the view of the only adobe city in the world in World Heritage Site and also walking through the old city will give you the smell of walking through thousands of years of history.
The tallest wind catcher in the world is in the great garden called Dolat-Abad, and you feel a sense of relief visiting there.
Yazd Restaurant: Delicious Part of the Yazd Travel…!
Top restaurants in Yazd are a mixture of architectural and traditional design and delicious smell cuisine with a professional way of serving. In advance, we will introduce top restaurants in Yazd city and some tips to note about Yazd restaurants we hope to serve you well in Yazd travel.
Moshir-ol-mamalek restaurant

The First Yazd restaurant is the Moshir-ol-mamalek restaurant, it is a classical and traditional hotel that has three restaurants, because of the professional education of the staff and great decoration you will enjoy your meal there.
The inner part is called the painting section because of the colorful windows and nice decoration and the outer space is in the middle of the garden, with water running through the tall trees and fountains with a background of singing birds.
Daad hotel restaurant

Second is the Daad Hotel restaurant which has luxurious decorations that will guarantee your desire for a meal with its traditional design in the old historical part of the city.
Fooka restaurant
The third is the traditional Fooka restaurant which also works as a café and based on the opinion of customers is the best traditional Yazd restaurant because you have access to the rooftop and great landscape of the Yazd city and also an English menu that will serve you well, don’t forget the great architectural view and lighting system in that restaurant.
Café Nardoon Yazd
Among the top Yazd restaurants, café Nardoon is one of the small but perfect kinds of characters in Yazd city.

Nardoon in Persian means pomegranate seed and people who have been in the Nardoon traditional café said that it is impossible to enter the café and feel sad, the whole atmosphere is traditional and full of positive energy, and most of the meals and drinks that are served there are vegan and used from good quality plants in serving the food over there, people said you will find love in this café, we hope you will…!
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