You are a traveler to Iran and plan to visit every sight and must-see place in every city you visit. You do not want to waste time getting there and do not want to spend so much on transport because you have other essential expenses. So what will you do?
One solution to save time and money in public transport is, although not all kinds of public transportation. But especially the Bus Rapid Transit Network in Iran (or simply BRT).
To know what BRT is and how it works in Iran, follow this Iran travel guide article.
What is BRT
Iran’s bus rapid transit network is a bus-based public transport system used in some cities to speed up bus transition. This system is cheaper than other transportation means and has fast-track routes. Short waiting time and availability are the other merits that encourage people to use it more often.
“The mission is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and innovation for increasing speed, efficiency, and reliability of high-capacity bus service through the implementation of BRT.”
National BRT institute
How to Use Bus Rapid Transit Network in Iran?
To use the BRT system, you must acquire a credit card from the ticket booths at terminals or metro stations. These credit cards are rechargeable; when you are done with them, you can return them and refund the remaining money.
You must use this card to enter the BRT stations and board your bus. With the bus rapid transit network in Iran (BRT), the arrangement of the seats is exactly opposite of the regular buses, where ladies sit at the back and the gents at the front. In BRT (bus rapid transit network in Iran), ladies must board the front port of the bus and the gents the back part.
Sadly, there are few cities with rapid bus transit in Iran. Still, fortunately, it exists in big and main Iranian cities such as Tehran city, Isfahan, Mashhad city, and also in Kerman and Tabriz city.
BRT lines
BRT lines in all the cities with bus rapid transit except for Tehran and Mashhad operate only in two lines, mainly at the city center. Here we represent you with all the lines of those two larger cities:
BRT in Tehran
It has 11 running lines, and it’s the biggest city with bus rapid transit (BRT)
Path: Tehranpars intersection to Azadi terminal. The first bus will be at the station at 5 A.M., and the last bus will leave at 9:55 P.M.
Path: Khavaran terminal to Azadi terminal. The first bus will be at the station at 4:30 A.M.
And the last bus will leave at 9
Khavaran terminal to Elm-o-Sana’at terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5:30 A.M.a.m, and the last will leave at 9:55 P.M.
Jonub terminal to Shahid Afshar terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 4:35 A.M.a.m, and the last will leave at 9:50 P.M.
Beyhaghi terminal to Elm-o-sana’at terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5:30 A.M.a.m, and the last bus will leave at 10 P.M.
Laleh terminal to Shahid Afshaer terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5.30 A.M.a.m, and the last will be at 9:30 P.M.
Rah-Ahan terminal to Tajrish terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5:30 A.M.a.m, and the last will leave at 9:45 P.M.
Khavaran terminal to Jonoub terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5:20 A.M.a.m, and the last will leave at 9:40 P.M.
Javanmard Ghassab metro to Laleh terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5:30 A.M.a.m, and the last bus will leave at 9 P.M.
Oloum-o-Tahghighat University to Azadegan terminal
The first bus will be at the station at 5:30 A.M.a.m, and the last will leave at 9:30 P.M.
Moein terminal to Vey Park
The first bus will be at the station at 5:30, and the last bus will leave at 9 P.M.

Attention: These arrivals and departures are for working days, not holidays. In the map of the line, you can see the intersections of the lines, and also, you can see the schematic path that shows you where the line begins and where it ends.
BRT in Mashhad
Mashhad is another city with rapid bus transit in Iran.
The first line of this transportation system (BRT 800) starts from the Emam Reza terminal and ends at the Tabarsi terminal.
The second line of BRT (800/1) begins from Emam Reza terminal, which leads into Beytol Moghads terminal.
The third line (BRT 800/2) starts from Tabaresi terminal and ends at Haram-Motahar (holy shrine)
The fourth line (BRT 830) starts at the end of Shahid Bahonar town and ends at the end of Emamie.
The fifth and last line of Mashhad BRT (BRT 831) begins from Elahie Terminal and ends at Mosala Terminal.
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